
  • Uninstaller Program For Mac
    카테고리 없음 2021. 5. 18. 21:49
    1. Uninstall Program For Mac
    2. Uninstaller Program For Mac
    3. Mac Uninstaller Program Free

    Learning how to uninstall an unwanted or old program on the Mac is a very simple task, but it is something that tends to confuse many first time users. Irrespective of which operating system you’re using on whatever device you may have, uninstalling programs and apps is inevitable. Perhaps you installed something that you just wanted to try out and don’t really need it, or perhaps you’re looking to make some space in your device by removing less-used apps. Method 3: How To Uninstall Programs from Mac - Command Line/Terminal Uninstalling programs from Mac through Command Line/Terminal is intended for advanced Mac users who have a deeper knowledge of Mac OS X.

    Apple unveils a new MacBook Air during an Apple launch event at the Brooklyn Academy of Music on Oct. 30, 2018 in New York City. Stephanie Keith/Getty Images

    Removing programs from a Macintosh can be very easy. In many cases, all you have to do is drag the application's icon to the Trash. Sometimes, though, applications store the files they need to run in other locations on your computer's hard drive, and finding them can take some detective work. If you are used to the uninstall option in Windows, you have a little culture shock — macOS does not have this feature built in.

    Why would you want to uninstall a program? For the same reason you occasionally tidy your office or clean your garage. Clutter breeds inefficiency. Applications take up space on your hard disk and can slow your computer. Also, a new version of a program may not work correctly unless you get rid of the old one [source: Ritchie].

    Most of the time, uninstalling is this simple:

    1. Exit the program you want to delete.
    2. Open the Applications folder, which you'll find by opening a new window in the Finder, or clicking on the hard disk icon.
    3. Drag the icon of the program you want to uninstall to the Trash.
    4. Empty the Trash.

    When files for the application you want to delete are all stored in one location, dragging the icon to the Trash will take care of most of the work. In Mac talk, apps like this are 'bundled.' To see the files in an application's bundle, click on its icon while holding down the Control key. You should see an option that says, 'show package contents.' Uninstalling applications downloaded from the Mac App Store is even easier — just delete the application from the Applications Folder and its accompanying folder in UserLibraryContainers [source: Tanous].

    For some other programs, removal is more complicated. When installed, these programs create files in several locations, often in the System Folder. The first step in removing them is to check the program's documentation to see if there is an uninstall utility. If your program has an uninstall utility associated with it, it may have been installed with the program or included on the disk that came with it. If you downloaded a disk image to install the software, sometimes you'll find an uninstaller there. Running an uninstall utility can make removing a program much easier.

    You should be aware that removing an unbundled program by moving it into the Trash can leave behind orphan files on your computer. Preferencefiles are usually small and you might want to ignore them if you're just trying to free up disk space. Background files or support files can be larger, especially for multimedia programs like GarageBand [source: MacRumors]. These files are likely to reside in Library folders in your hard drive or Home folder. They will usually be labeled with the name of the program, like Office or Acrobat, or the developer, such as Microsoft or Adobe. You can search for the relevant names using Spotlight, which is included with the Mac OS. Drag the files you find to the trash to get rid of them [source: Tanous]. .

    Check out the next page for tips to make your uninstallation go even more smoothly.

    Learning how to uninstall an unwanted or old program on the Mac is a very simple task, but it is something that tends to confuse many first time users. Removing programs from a Windows based machine requires you to go to the Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel and then select the program that you wish to uninstall. But in a Mac, the process is different.

    Uninstall Program For Mac

    People who adore Mac, absolutely swear by it, and one of the primary reasons for this is the simplicity of carrying out such tasks. Uninstalling programs is one such task, and there are two different ways in which you can achieve this. You must remember that there are two kinds of programs that will be present on your Mac - bundled programs and unbundled programs.
    The bundled programs can be removed very quickly because all their bundled files are in one single location. The unbundled ones will require some extra manual work of removing preferences, saved data, and other such files. If you fail to remove these other files, they will take up unnecessary space on your hard drive and create a clutter in the future.
    As mentioned earlier, there are two methods for removing programs and applications from your Mac.
    There are a few steps involved in this method and it is more suitable for bundled programs. Since all the additional files of such programs are in the same location, it is easier to get rid of them all at the same time. Here are the steps for the same.
    • Double-click on the 'Macintosh HD' button on the desktop. You will see all the contents on hard drive in the form of Applications, System, and Library.
    • Double click on the 'Applications' icon. This will show you all the applications and programs that are installed on your machine.
    • Click on the applications that you wish to remove and drag them to the Trash Bin on your desktop. This will successfully uninstall them.
    • Alternatively, you can press the Ctrl button when you are reviewing the list of applications. Click on the 'Move to Trash' option and then select the applications that you wish to uninstall.
    Please note that if you are using this method to uninstall unbundled applications, then you will need to go to their individual folders and move all those files to the Trash bin separately. Leaving these files on the hard drive is not advisable.

    Uninstaller Program For Mac

    MacThe other method is to use some third party application or tool to remove the applications that you wish to uninstall. This method is more suitable for unbundled programs, as these tools remove all associated files and data. Most of them work in a similar fashion to the Add/Remove Program option on Windows based system. You just view all the applications that are on your machine (bundled and unbundled) and then you proceed to remove them from a common and easy-to-use interface. You can even use the Search feature on these tools to find all the associated files and then remove them easily. Here are some recommended tools that you can make use of:
    • AppCleaner Uninstaller Software
    • AppZapper Uninstaller Software
    • AppTrap Uninstaller Software
    • Mac OSX Uninstaller
    When you are choosing one of these tools, you must carry out enough research to see if you need a freeware or a paid software. Freeware offers lesser features, but it's good enough for average users. The paid software applications also have free trial versions which are good as well. Some people also claim that, it is better to leave associated files of uninstalled applications (like the preferences and other settings) on your machine, so that these can be used if you re-install the application in the future. This is a smart thing to do only if the associated files take up negligible space.

    Mac Uninstaller Program Free

    You can also check out the installer program for the application, since some of them also come preloaded with an Uninstall function. If this option does not exist, above mentioned methods will be useful to you.


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